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Department of Defense Video
Gov. Bryant tours GTI
Gov. Bryant is greeted by Dr. Powe following news release of MHP SWAT officers saved following training @ GTI
MedSouth C4 Heli-Lab
Ultrasound-guided venous access trainign by Faculty Stephen Sutton
MHP SWAT Active Shooter
Active Shooter simulation with cadaver and live actors
Critical Care Cadaver Lab
MedSouth C4 Heli-lab students
Keith Carter, MedSouth President
MedSouth C4 Heli-lab
Medsouth C4 Heli-lab
Critical Care Flight Course provides live-fire flights for CFRN & FP-C candidates
February 28, 2016 (WJTV) - GTI credited for saving life of MHP SWAT Operator in firefight.
GTI Credited for Saving Life
Gov. Phil Bryant Flyover
Governor Bryant flies aeromed mission over GTI with Keith Carter, MedSouth President & Dr. Powe, GTI President